2MMC - also known as 4-Methylmethcathinone - is a synthetic stimulant that has recently become popular among users looking for a unique and intense experience.
2MMC operation
2MMC is een molecuul dat behoort tot de cathinonklasse van verbindingen, die nauw verwant zijn aan amfetaminen. Het is structureel vergelijkbaar met mephedrone, maar met een methylgroep toegevoegd aan het koolstofatoom op de 4-positie. Deze wijziging verandert de effecten van de verbinding, waardoor deze krachtiger en langduriger wordt.
2MMC effects
2MMC works on the brain by increasing the levels of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. This leads to increased energy, euphoria and a sense of well-being. The compound also has a strong effect on the release of these neurotransmitters and their reuptake, causing the intense stimulation and euphoria.
2MMC experiences
Users report feeling a rush of euphoria and increased energy, along with increased sociability and a sense of well-being. Some users also report experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations, and an increased sensitivity to touch.
Buy 2MMC
Buy the best quality 2MMC at koop3mmc.nl. Ordered before 17:30 is delivered tomorrow! We do our utmost to get our products to you as quickly as possible. You can pay easily and safely with iDEAL, as you are used to with other online stores.