good preparation is half the battle. If you are planning to have a wild weekend and use cocaine, it is wise to prepare well. After-C anti-hangover pills can help you reduce the adverse effects of hangovers. With After-C, your body will recover faster and eliminate toxins more efficiently. Moreover, the levels of important vitamins and minerals in your body can be restored.
In this review, we would like to highlight the anti-hangover drug After-C. We all know how it goes. You start the night with the intention of taking it easy, but before you know it, you're partying into the early hours and have drunk and taken too much. Fortunately, taking After-C can help you reduce the ill effects of hangovers.
When you take After-C anti-hangover capsules, important vitamins are replenished and 5HTP can help improve your mood. Guarana can provide you with the energy boost you need to function well the day after the party. There are four capsules in each packet, all of which you should take with a glass of water.
Besides After-C, we also sell other anti-hangover remedies, such as After-E, which can help you with an XTC or MDMA hangover.
Alessandro M (Verified) -
Good product
Javier Garcia Nieto (Verified) -
Dylan (Verified) -
bought for a friend
Vaclav (Verified) -
Marco D. (Verified) -
works well
Nicolae G. (Verified) -
Jelle (Verified) -
Very nice solution when having done a little too much (oops 🤭) I’ll blame it on you koop3mmc. It restores your body noticeably faster
Vaclav (Verified) -
helps to recover well
Rodrigo Ribeiro (Verified) -
Ótimo após noites a consumir e depois ir trabalhar pleno
Jan Novotný (Verified) -
I dont know
Mario (Verified) -
Everyone should have this at home
laure (Verified) -
Anónimo (Verified) -
Olivier H. (Verified) -
On remontant piur le lundi
Dennis (Verified) -
Goede alternatief kater voorkomen
Fabrice (Verified) -
Pas encore essayé ! Je reviendrai vous en dire plus , plus tard