Product description:
HHC is a brand new compound derived from hemp, with effects similar to Delta-9.
Users experience a pleasant, clear high.
Always start with 1 gummy, wait at least 1.5 hours before deciding to take more! Take a maximum of 2 per day.
Happy, calm and social are three great words to briefly summarise the effects.
- Contents: 4 pieces
- Mg: 25 mg each
- Dosage: maximum 2 per day
- Effect: stoned
- Duration of effect: 3 - 4 hours
See package insert on the back or images for ingredients. WARNING: This is not medical advice and our HHC gummies do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases, conditions or other ailments. Keep out of reach of children, do not use and/or sell under 18 years, do not use when pregnant, do not drive machinery and/or other vehicles, consult your doctor before use.
- Disclaimer: There are no definitive long-term studies on the effects of HHC yet. All effects described above are based on first-hand experiences of HHC users and are provided for informational purposes only. You may have a completely different experience. We are in no way suggesting that your experience will be the same, as it may vary from person to person.
Do not use in combination with alcohol and drugs, do not use in pregnancy, medication or mental health problems.