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Cannabis Brownie Fudge



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Content: 100 g
Ingredients: sugar, water, wheat flour, vegetable oil (vegetable oil, rapeseed), cocoa powder (skimmed), egg powder, milk powder (skimmed), glucose syrup, milk protein, stabiliser (E420), salt, E500, hemp oil , aroma (vanilla). Produced in a factory that also processes milk, eggs, peanuts and nuts.

About Cannabis Brownie Fudge:
Introducing our Cannabis Fudge Brownie, now in deluxe packaging, infused with a bold sativa flavour that will awaken your taste buds and awaken your senses. Enjoy the irresistible combination of rich toffee and premium cannabis, expertly blended into a delectable brownie. Experience a harmonious blend of indulgence and pleasure with every delectable bite. Elevate your edible journey with our Cannabis Fudge Brownie and embark on a delectable adventure that promises to satisfy your cravings while providing a stimulating boost of sativa goodness.


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